The Process:
A Tenant Petition is filed with the Rent Administrator who
forwards it to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)
where an administrative law judge gets briefs (legal arguments
and written evidence) and usually holds a hearing. The OAH then
issues a final order.
The final order from the OAH can be appealed to the Rental
Housing Commission (RHC), that consists of its three
judges. The RHC also gets briefs and holds a single hour long
hearing and then issues its decision that can over rule all or
part of the final decision from the OAH. The case is usually
remanded (sent back) to the OAH to reconsider its initial final
order in light of the changes made by the RHC decision.
The OAH then issues a new final order that you may also have to
When the case is final, the decision of the RHC can be
appealed to the DC Court of Appeals (DCCA) that will get
its own briefs and issue its own ruling that can apply to both
the RHC and to the OAH. It rarely overturns the RHC decision.
no initial symbol is a document from the
proceedings of the OAH
> is a document from an appeal to the RHC
» is a document from an appeal to the DC Court of Appeals